My work ranges from a sweet poem about a day-old child to books and plays written on the challenging frontier where religion meets explosive social concerns. I was born into “women’s issues” and married into “gay issues.” My commitment is to help make church and society safe for our LGBT sisters and brothers and to assist in transforming patriarchy into partnership.

Ghost of eternal polygamy

I spent years haunted by the subject of eternal polygamy beginning in high school, when my seminary teacher bore testimony that polygamy is God’s special form of marriage for the most righteous, that we have many Mothers in Heaven, and that when we young women are less selfish we will see the beauty of this principle and yearn to live it. I cried many tears through my college years, as this was final proof that God cares more for men than for women.

More recently, when an elderly cousin told me that she fears her husband on the other side has already taken another wife, I felt that impulse you feel when you see someone in pain, an impulse to help. I knew I was in a position to do that.

To learn more about the Ghost of Eternal Polygamy, click here.

for Women

for LGBT ISsues

My commitment is to help make church and society safe for our LGBT sisters and brothers and to assist in transforming patriarchy into partnership. Learn more about my work for LGBT issues here.


Many of my books are available for order directly from my online store, including limited collector's items. See a list of my favorite books by category here

Indeed I was born into “women’s issues.” Even as a pre-teen I looked around and said, something is very wrong here. Maleness is superior to femaleness? The evidence was all around me. Learn more about my work for women here.


See a full list of plays available for production here.


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See a full chronology of my work here.